Why use our platform?

Members who understand their finances are better placed to make effective financial decisions — this is the definition of financial wellness.

Members who are curious about their financial futures are more likely to:

  • Increase their voluntary super contributions

  • Resist early-withdrawal temptations

  • Make an active choice about how their super is invested

  • Plan for retirement, while living their best life now

  • Remain with the same super fund until retirement

The super industry is in flux, under constant pressure from regulatory change, increased competition, and market disruptors.

Members look to their super fund for clarity, more easily-accessible information and support as they build towards their financial futures.

Want To Know More?

The Your Financial Wellness program can give your fund a best-in-class online and mobile solution to help you to educate, engage and connect with members anytime, anywhere.

Contact Us Login

Email: info@yourfinancialwellness.com.au

How our program can help

More effective member interactions

Your Financial Wellness can help you deepen member relationships, and increase member engagement with relevant products. Powerful data segmentation informs marketing activity designed to help your members explore their options within your fund.

Data-driven insights

Our powerful back end system analyses and segments members based on demographics, member inputs and needs. Our analytics highlight engagement rates which can you can use to create cost-effective products, services and investment options.

Unlocking member potential

Combined with your existing member data we can help you unlock and qualify new opportunities to work with members to achieve their goals. You can use the insights gained to develop stronger member relationships as gaps and opportunities arise.

Results-focused communications

We develop regular communications under your branding, to ensure an ongoing conversation between your members and the investment opportunities available to them. It means you can redirect some of your communication resources towards other activities, like innovating to meet rising member expectations.

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